Mallika meets Farooq Abdullah

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Mallika meets Farooq Abdullah

Saturday, February 07, 2009 | Tags: ,
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Mallika Sherawat made National Conference leader, Dr Farooq Abdullah’s dream come true as he visited her as a special guest to Jammu and Kashmir.

A source says, “Dr Abdullah invited Mallika personally to the dinner at the Intercontinental in Andheri on Thursday night.

It was an invite to savour Kashmiri cuisine. The dinner was also attended by Yash Chopra, Vidhu Vinod Chopra, Ustad Amjad Ali Khan, Talat Aziz and others.

Dr Abdullah told Mallika that he’s a big fan of hers and invited her to Kashmir. Mallika has been contemplating a visit there now. She went there last when she was a child.”

Another source says, “Mallika was the only actress present at the dinner attended by distinguished members of the film industry and won over by the warmth and simplicity exuded by Dr Abdullah.

She has promised to visit Jammu and Kashmir soon.”

Well those of you who dont know Dr Farooq Abdullah is an ex-CM of Jammu and Kashmir and currently his son Omar Abdullah is the CM of Jammu & Kashmir.

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