Bollywood much talked about parted jodi, Kareena Kapoor and Shahid Kapur will be seen opposite one another again not in any new film but the one which is pending for long. The film in question is Boney Kapoor's Milenge Milenge directed by Satish Kaushik. After Kareena Kapoor and Shahid Kapur’s break up, the dubbing of the film came to a halt but now when things got normalize, the duo gave their nod to dub their part.
Shahid has already completed his portion and now Bebo is about to dub her part. To avoid coming face to face with Shahid, Kareena kept the dubbing pending for long but now without any delay, she will do the requisite.
Kareena’s nod brought smile to filmmaker Boney Kapoor's face as his film featuring two hot actors will hit the theatre soon. "I have spoken to Kareena and she has promised that she will be giving us dates for this month. I am now planning to release the film very soon," he gushed.
Kareena-Shahid’s factor will work in favor of the film. Undoubtedly, it will pull huge crowd.
Shahid has already completed his portion and now Bebo is about to dub her part. To avoid coming face to face with Shahid, Kareena kept the dubbing pending for long but now without any delay, she will do the requisite.
Kareena’s nod brought smile to filmmaker Boney Kapoor's face as his film featuring two hot actors will hit the theatre soon. "I have spoken to Kareena and she has promised that she will be giving us dates for this month. I am now planning to release the film very soon," he gushed.
Kareena-Shahid’s factor will work in favor of the film. Undoubtedly, it will pull huge crowd.
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