In such a young age, Bollywood glam doll Deepika Padukone is lucky to act with topnotch actors of Bollywood like dynamic Shahrukh Khan, handsome Saif Ali Khan and stunt king Akshay Kumar. Currently she is busy shooting with Saif Ali Khan for his first production Love Aaj Kal directed by Imtiaz Ali and her experience on working with Saif is so fabulous that she can't stop raving the actor. In his praise, Saif said, "It was fantastic working with Saif. He is brilliant yet he needs to be taken care of like a child."
Working with director Imtiaz Ali is a dream come true for Deepika, she said, "Imtiaz Ali was always on my wish-list of directors to work with and I am glad I am working with him so soon in my career." In the short period of her career, Deepika had taste both success and failure. Though she was little heartbroken with the box office result of Chandni Chowk to China, she accepted failure very sportingly, she remarked, "I would still count it as a great experience. If you work hard on a film or anything and then it doesn't do well, you are obviously disappointed but it was a great experience for me. I learnt a lot from it. It's an experience that pushes me to better myself and my performances."
Speaking about Love Aaj Kal, Deepika feels it will appeal the young generation, "It's a very contemporary take on relationships, the way couples feel in this day age. It's a very unusual film. Very real. It will connect with contemporary couples. I sure did connect with it."
Deepika calls Saif a child
Friday, February 13, 2009
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Deepika Padukone,
Saif Ali Khan
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