Rani Mukherjee who always remains tight-lipped about her relationship with Yash Raj head Aditya Chopra turned red hot when paparazzi clicked her photo with Aditya Chopra at the Mumbai airport while they were returning from a secret holiday.
Rani has allegedly asked for a probe against those who invade her privacy and sent a wrong signal.
"Rani is furious and has allegedly complained to the highest airport officials, regarding an informer (perhaps an official placed inside the airport), who tipped a set of freelance photographers about the arrivals of the celebrities," said a source.
Rani who always keeps her lips seal when the question of her affair with Aditya comes was caught red-handed with Aditya while returning from a secret holiday. She vented her anger over airport authorities and urge to take strict actions.
"Rani has alleged that it was intruding into one's personal life and also that leaking one's travel itinerary and flight details were actually against the national security act and the person should to tracked and stern action should be taken against the perpetrators," concluded a B -town source.
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