Highly adorable couple of Bollywood, Amitabh Bachchan and Sridevi are shooting after 18 long years. Sridevi was shooting for quite some days while Big B joined her on the set of Gauri Shinde’s film, ‘English Vinglish’ only yesterday. In the movie, Sridevi is playing a housewife and in order to match with her high profile husband, she learns English.
Apparently, Big B and Sridevi are sharing screen space after a long gap of 18 years. Though Mr. Bachchan was playing a small role in the movie, the entire unit is looking up to their wonderful pairing.
Big B plays the role of a fellow passenger who meets Sridevi on a flight and there was a small interaction between them. Bachchan tweeted about his experience of shooting with Sridevi, "Shooting today with the effervescent SriDevi after eternity almost for R Balki's wife's directed film 'English Vinglish'...SriDevi still the same … spontaneous and lovely ..!!"
The duo last starred in blockbuster, ‘Khuda Gawah’. Their dynamic combination was also seen in films like ‘Inquilaab’ and ‘Akhree Rasta’.
News : Sridevi, Big B shoot after 18 years
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
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Amitabh Bachchan,
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