Hot : Yana Gupta's panty-less stunt put on canvass

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Hot : Yana Gupta's panty-less stunt put on canvass

Monday, July 25, 2011 | Tags:
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Artist Pranava Prakash immortalized Yana Gupta’s panty-less stunt. He has put the highly publicized event in his canvas. In stead of fuming over the incident, Yana praised the artist’s talent. The painting has two naked children sitting next to Yana.

The painting was sent to Yana and she praised the artist's talent, she said, “It’s quite witty and original —definitely a good piece of art! I wouldn’t buy it though. It’s better than I expected!”

Yana wrote back to the artist and congratulated him. Explaining about his work of art, Prakash said, “Bharat, belongs to vast 32%, who cannot afford bare minimal clothing while there is a five star culture where the glitterati is preferring less cloth because of fashion.”

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