Shahrukh Khan is leaving no stone unturned to give his highly anticipated film, ‘Ra.One’ a star studded look. He has now roped Priyanka Chopra and Sanjay Dutt to do a cameo for the movie. Shahrukh likes Sanju Baba’s bald look in ‘Agneepath’ and he asked him to do a special appearance for his movie. King Khan looked upon Sanjay as his elder brother and so when he approached Sanjay for the small cameo, he readily agreed.
Priyanka Chopra shared screen space with Shahrukh Khan in ‘Don’ and has also done an item number with him in ‘Billu’. SRK feels that Priyanka is a great actress and she has got a lot of talents. Priyanka is more than happy to accept his proposal.
Both Priyanka and Sanjay are shooting for Karan Johar’s ‘Agneepath’ and being the best buddy of Shahrukh, Karan gave the two stars two days off from his shooting schedule.
News : Priyanka Chopra to do a cameo for SRK's Ra.One
Thursday, July 14, 2011
| Tags:
Priyanka Chopra,
Shah Rukh Khan
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