Anushka Sharma has grabbed another meaty project. She will play Ajay Devgan’s love interest in Vishal Bharadwaj’s next flick to be produced by Vishal, Ajay and Kumar Mangat. Highly impressed with Anushka’s performance in ‘Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi’ and ‘Band Baaja Baraat’, Vishal is keen to sign Anushka Sharma.
When Vishal approached Anushka, she immediately accepted the movie as the actress always wanted to work with the ‘Omkara’ director.
The film will go on floors next year in mid January. This is the first time Anushka and Ajay will share screen space together.
News : Anushka in Vishal's next
Thursday, July 14, 2011
| Tags:
Ajay Devgan,
Anushka Sharma
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