Raima pleads director to tone down hot steamy scenes in Mirchi

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Raima pleads director to tone down hot steamy scenes in Mirchi

Friday, December 10, 2010 | Tags: ,
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The upcoming film Mirch, is surely going to get many eyes popped out. Well, the director of the flick Vinay Shukla made it very clear in the start that its India’s first erotic film.

It is heard that, Raima Sen’s lovemaking scene with Arunodoy Singh is very elaborate and so the actress is requesting the director to tone it down.

Initially, during the shooting of the scene, the lovemaking clip was shot and brief. But Vinay felt that the scene lacked passion and so it was important to work on it again. So Raima was cajoled into doing the scene again. This time, the lovemaking scene was long and elaborate and it has been retained in the film’s final cut.

“What will my mother say?” was her first reaction when Raima saw how elaborate the lovemaking sequence was: she was reduced to tears. Her co-star Arunodoy however was fine with it

The film, with the help of four parallel stories, celebrates female sexuality through the eyes of women who are uninhibited when it comes to sex

Mirch also has Konkona Sen Sharma doing a few lovemaking scenes but they are not as hot as Raima’s.

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