Thank You Akshay: Aamir Khan

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Thank You Akshay: Aamir Khan

Sunday, February 15, 2009 | Tags: ,
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Akshay Kumar did not accept the Star Screen Award Trophy for the best actor in the popular category because he thought Aamir Khan deserved it for what he had done in Ghajini.

He said, “I watched Ghajini and then I watched Singh is Kinng again and I couldn’t help comparing our work. What Aamir does for his movies is an example of sheer passion and dedication. This award is for you mate. You deserve it.”

Aamir Khan when he heard of it really thanked Akshay saying,

“It’s really generous of him. I really want to thank him for that.”

On being asked why he dislikes Award functions, Aamir said,

“I really enjoy award functions specially the ones I don’t go to because so many funny things happen there and I always miss it.”


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