Big B Amitabh Bachchan is really annoyed with the media for blowing his critical comments, not only did he blast the media for misquoting him but he painstakingly called up the director of Slumdog Millionaire Danny Boyle and clarified the whole matter with him.
Apparently Anil Kapoor organised a telephone talk on Wednesday for him, Bachchan wrote in his latest blogpost.
“I also extended my apologies if this uncalled for misdemeanor has caused him and his film any anguish and grief,” Big B said.
Boyle had a good laugh over it, he said. “He acknowledged my calling him and said I need not have. He draws my attention to the film being in a sense a tribute to my presence in it and expresses a desire to meet me on his next visit to the country,” Bachchan said.
The actor said he had sent the extracts of his blog on the matter to Anil Kapoor and Danny Boyle adding that Kapoor had invited him for the premiere in Mumbai. “I explained my inability due to my travel and work schedule,” he said.
Bachchan said the media would look upon this as a retraction, due to the onslaught it created and the fear of negativity on my account. “But what else can they do. They created an incorrect headline, propagated it through all mediums possible and shall now sit back and enjoy the fruits of its effect,” he said.
Good for him!
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