Beti B upsets Bachchan's doggy

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Beti B upsets Bachchan's doggy

Thursday, December 15, 2011 | Tags: , ,
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Beti B is hardly one month old and she has become the reason of envy for someone. While she is keeping every member of the Bachchan family busy around her, Bachchan’s doggy is feeling the heat. Big B dog Shanouk is very upset as after the arrival of the baby no one is spending time with him or pampering him. His action complains that he is highly upset and seeks attention.

Bachchan took to Twitter to share the piece of information with all, "Shanouk, my Piranna Great Dane feeling left out and sulking ever since the baby has arrived .. spending time with him now more often"

Bachchan realized that pets too are highly sensitive and have to be treated like babies. "Pets are so sensitive .. !! They complain in their own way and so cutely .. Shanouk needs great pampering to get him back in mood !" he further added.

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