Anushka Sharma is one Bollywood actress who has always been in news, ever since she stepped into films. Rumors about her off screen relationship with Ranveer Singh has not yet closed down, the latest we hear is that, the actress is all praises for Ranbir Kapoor and that she is trying her best to woo him. Now, one reason for Anushka wooing Ranbir may be, she wants to grab the female lead opposite him, in Ayan Mukherjee’s next: Yeh Jawani Hai Deewani.
However, this rumor hasn’t gone down well with Anushka. According to her, hanging out with Ayan and Ranbir, is not gaining her any professional benefits.
Talking about Ranveer Singh, Anushka says, she never was in a relationship with the actor, blaming it all on the media for the false buzz. Also, rumors about the duo being in a relationship just for publicity for their upcoming movie Ladies V/s Ricky Bahl, fumed up the actress.
Anushka also stressed on the fact that she is single and has never been on a formal date with any guy!
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