After splitting-up with squash played Ritwik Bhattacharya, Bollywood actress Neha Dhuipa has found a new man in her life. He is a Venezuelan handsome named, James Sylvester also called Jimmy. Though Neha is extremely guarded in speaking about her new man, she doesn’t mind moving with him in public.
Neha only admits, "Yes, I am in good company. I have never been comfortable talking about my personal life, that's why I prefer a no comments stance."
At this moment, Neha is not ready for any commitment as she is busy with her career.
"I am married to my work at the moment. So there are no wedding bells on the cards."
It is believed that the actress met Jimmy through a common friend and the duo was even spotted together at Shilpa Shetty’s birthday bash. She was accompanied by Jimmy at IIFA in Toronto.
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