Twinkle Khanna was arrested on Wednesday by Vakola police but later released on bail of Rs 950 for committing an obscene act at the Lakme fashion week held few days back. She was accompanied by her lawyer, Bhairav Choudhary. To complete the legal formalities, she had to remain in the police station for few hours. To see the drama, a huge crowd gathered outside the police station. Twinkle said to the police that other legal formalities will be done by her husband Akshay Kumar when he will return from his outdoor shoot.
Assistant commissioner of police (Vakola division) Arvind Mahabdi said: “It was a bailable offence and we released her on a bail of Rs 950 at the police station itself. We are now waiting for Akshay.’’ Action taken against the couple following an obscene case registered by a social activist, Anil Nair.
Akshay was to be unbuttoned by a model but he surprised all when he turned towards his wife Twinkle who was sitting on the first row and asked her to do the unbuttoning act. The incident heated up the atmosphere and later Akki had to apologize.
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