Ranbir Kapoor’s mom Neetu Singh is not sure about his girl Deepika Padukone becoming her daughter-in-law. Initially we saw her going gaga over this tall beauty and now suddenly she has become quite critical about their affair.
A source quoted her saying, “Deepika is just another girlfriend in Ranbir’s life.” When asked to clarify the reason of her doubts, she explained, “Both of them are very young. It’s a long way to go before marriage. No one knows what future holds for them.”
“In many occasions, Neetu spotted with Deepika. They made their first public appearance during the Lakme fashion week and caught the eyes of all. It was also reported that Deepika is the choice of Ranbir’s parents and they even accepted her as their bahu. But now with so many differences in Ranbir and Deepika’s life, their future of being one seems swinging. Not only their parents but Ranbir and Deepika themselves are uncertain about what future has stored for them,” the source added.
Does that suggest there is trouble in paradise?
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