Here’s come another twist in Madhur Bhandarkar’s ‘Heroine’. After Aishwarya walks out of the project, Kareena Kapoor has almost been confirmed as Madhur Bhandarkar’s ‘Heoine’ but now UTV has confirmed that Kareena is not the female lead. They have not signed her. This clarification of UTV has come just after the report flashed in media that Bebo has settled 8 crores for the project.
To play the prime character, Kareena has also cut some intimate scenes. Madhur has bowed before her condition and chopped the part which is objectionable to Bebo. Kareena has also confirmed in a report that she is the original choice for ‘Heroine’ and she is very much part of the project.
When things almost fall in track, we wonder what went wrong between Kareena and UTV that made the actress walk out of the project.
News : Kareena is not Madhur's 'Heroine', confirms UTV
Saturday, August 20, 2011
| Tags:
Kareena Kapoor,
Madhur Bhandarkar
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