Though Rani Mukherjee always denies being in a relationship with Yash Raj head honcho Aditya Chopra, the duo has been spotted recently spending quality time with each other. Time and again Rani- Aditya’s relationship came under scanner but they never came upon about their alleged love affair.
Rani has done many films under Yash Raj banner and their affair is said to have started ever since the actress gave one after another hit under their banner. Aditya has filed for divorce from his first wife as he is not happy with his marriage. It is also rumored that Rani and Aditya will declare their marriage once the divorce settle down.
While on the other side, Aditya’s father Yash Chopra is not in favor of Rani because Aditya’s parents had the feeling that Rani is the reason of the tiff between Aditya and his wife. Knowing this, Rani also stopped sharing goodies with Yash Chopra. In various occasion, she ignored Yash Chopra.
Gossip : Rani Mukherjee secretly dating Aditya Chopra
Saturday, July 16, 2011
| Tags:
Aditya Chopra,
Rani Mukherjee
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