Rajkumar Hirani directs Shahrukh Khan

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Rajkumar Hirani directs Shahrukh Khan

Friday, December 10, 2010 | Tags: ,
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At first ‘3 idiots’ were helmed with Shahrukh Khan but things did not work out between Rajkumar Hirani and King Khan and the chance to enact the interesting role went to Aamir Khan. If not films, Hirani has directed SRK in a commercial for a fairness product.

They shot the ad at Filmistan. This is the first time the two worked together and while shooting Hirani and Shahrukh had developed a great rapport. The ad will go air very soon.

This is not the first time that Hirani has shot an ad. He has earlier worked with Amitabh and Kareena. Hirani enjoyed shooting ad and he in between film shooting, he shots TV commercial.

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