How US media changed for Rahman

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How US media changed for Rahman

Saturday, February 07, 2009 | Tags:
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A.R Rahman is currently talk of the town, in India and abroad, but everything wasn’t the same before he won the Globes. Rahman still remembers how he was humiliated by the US media when they did not want to take his solo snaps and asked him to stand beside SD director Danny Boyle.

Rahman remembers the incident and says, “In one week, I received three awards in the US. The first was the Critics’ Awards. When I received the award, the American media wasn’t interested in me - they didn’t want my solo photographs. ‘Can you please stand next to Danny Boyle?’ they would say. I think it was a glamour thing. But by the time I came to pick up the third award - the Golden Globe, they said, ‘Can we have your solo pictures, please?’

Well US media is very prejudiced . You agree?

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