By this time, everyone is aware that Karishma Kapoor is making a comeback into films with Vikram Bhatt’s ‘Dangerous Ishq’. No sooner she announced her comeback, she started getting film offers. It is heard that she will step into Hema Malini’s shoes and enact her part in ‘Satte Pe satta’ remake to be directed by Soham Shah and produced by Sanjay Dutt.
At first, they were keen to sign Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Vidya Balan but when both of them declined, they approached Karisma Kapoor. The actress read the script and liked it.
The source added, "Sanjay wants a very Indian looking girl. After Aishwarya refused to work in the film despite Dutt trying hard to convince her, Dutt had approached his ‘Lagey Raho Munnabhai’ costar Vidya Balan. She too had declined the offer.”
The source further added, “A few days before he spoke to Vidya, Dutt had spoken to Karisma who at the time had clearly told him that she was not interested in making a comeback."
Let’s see how Karisma could impress her audience in her second innings.
News : Karisma Kapoor to play Hema Malini's role
Thursday, August 04, 2011
| Tags:
Hema Malini,
Karishma kapoor
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