Ex lovers Priyanka Chopra and Shahid Kapoor involved in some intense love making scene for Kunal Kohlis next untitled film. The couple that always made news for their on and off relationship off late called off their relationship. But the duo showed professionalism on the set of Kunal Kohli’s film and agreed to portray the love making scene.
A source revealed, "It`s going to be uncomfortable. But given the level of professionalism these two display, it shouldn`t be that much trouble. Both of them are excited about this project and want to make sure their personal equation doesn`t affect it."
After break-up, Sasha and Piggy Chops moved on. Priyanka busy gelling up with good friend Shahrukh while Shahid is rumored to be dating John Abraham’s ex-flame Bipasha Basu.
Hot : Priyanka, Shahid involve in intense love
Monday, July 25, 2011
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Priyanka Chopra,
Shahid Kapoor
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