News : Bipasha admits split-up with beau John

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News : Bipasha admits split-up with beau John

Wednesday, April 13, 2011 | Tags: ,
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The Bong bombshell Bipasha Basu who vehemently denies split-up with longtime beau John Abraham has finally broke the truth that she is single. In an SMS send by Bips written, "Yes being single is great..." not just once but six times. The actress has sent this message to couple of her friends and unfortunately, it came into the hand of a journalist who broke the news of her break-up to the world.

Bipasha Basu inorder to escape from the situation twisted her statement saying that her mobile was lost few days back and it was one of her crazy fans who might have send the message to everyone.

If not intensionally, accidently Bipasha spoke about her break-up but John Abraham has been maintaining silence about his separation with Bips.

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