Juhi Chawla attends Nityananda’s birthday

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Juhi Chawla attends Nityananda’s birthday

Wednesday, January 05, 2011 | Tags:
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Bollywood actress Juhi Chawla is an ardent devotee of Swami Nityananda who is involved in the sex scandal scam. On January 1, Juhi attended 34th birthday of the most controversial guru. She came to Nityananda’s Bidadi ashram on December 28 and stayed there for four days.

Juhi idolize the Swami. She even visited him and seeks the blessings of the Guru when her brother was in coma for six months. Kannada actress Malavika Avinash and Ranjitha were also present on his birthday celebration.

Many religious leaders, foreigners and devotees attended Swami Nityananda’s birthday.

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