With the upcoming Lok Sabha election, we could see some prominent faces of Bollywood coming forward and appealing their fans to vote for their candidates. In this campaign what surprises us the most is the bizarre move of our Sallu bhai. Salman Khan seems to be in utmost confusion as whom to support, BJP or Congress and so he has taken the mid-way, campaigning for both the parties.
If on one hand, he was seen campaigning for Congress candidate Anu Tandon in Unnau, Uttar Pradesh then on the other hand, he was seen campaigning for BJP candidate and actor Vinod Khanna in Gurdaspur, Punjab. In this way, Salman is keep his both friends satisfied.
When asked about his unique move, he replied that he is campaigning for candidates and not for party. Next in the line could be his jigdi dost Sanjay Dutt who is the General Secretary of Samajwadi party. Now, Salman’s fans are bit confused as which way to go.
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