Bipasha Basu is the hot favorite of Bollywood. Her latkas and jhatkas are very popular now-a-days and guys love to groove along with her dance numbers. Recently, while performing at the Music awards function of 70’s, the dusky beauty had to face an embarrassing moment when something went wrong with her skirt and the prop with what she was performing. But Bips being very smart handled the entire situation very gracefully without letting anyone know that something went wrong.
The source present at the venue revealed, “This malfunction happened not once but thrice. The actress did not know what to do at the last moment but despite all these problems Bipasha being a professional that she did not let it hamper her performance. The actress had to change her costumes in between the dance performances but she took it all in her stride. She carried the entire show with grace and managed to enthrall the audiences without giving a hint that she was upset with the costumes”.
Bips neither made a hue and cry over her wardrobe nor blamed anyone for the malfunction rather showed her utter confidence to tackle any odd situation smoothly and successfully.
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