Except film, long legged actress Shilpa Shetty is being involved in multiple other activities. The lady who recently hit the headlines for owning a piece of the Rajasthan Royals with beau Raj Kundra is again making news for medi-spas. News is doing round the corner that Shilpa Shetty will launch a chain of medi-spas across Mumbai. The spas will have everything related to body and skin. There will be doctors and skin specialists to consult with the customers willing to undergo any sort of skin treatment ranging from Botox to acne, weight reduction to thyroid.
The spas will be unique of its kind. The treatment will be within the reach of common men, available in quite affordable price. She is into spa business with spa owner Kiran Bawa. After measuring the response, she is likely to extend her chain of spas to other metros such as Delhi, Bangalore, Pune and Chandigarh.
Shilpa is striking gold after launching her own range of perfumes and a Yoga DVD. It is good to see her getting involved in manifold activities. She has turned a complete business woman by devoting time and money in numerous fields.
Great going Shilpa!
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