Bollywood actor Shahid Kapur is going to celebrate his birthday on 25th February and the guy is already making the preparation for the bash. It is known that the party will be a low-key affair and only close friends and relatives will be present. Currently Shahid is shooting in Jodhpur with Priyanka for Kaminay but he will be on the spot before the occasion. A friend of Shahid said, “Shahid is pretty excited about the party and has been planning it for months.”
Shahid’s house is currently under renovation. But he is making sure that it gets completed before the party as he will arrange the bash at his home. He has already informed his family and friends. Shahid will celebrate his D-day with papa Pankaj Kapoor, stepmom Supriya Kapoor, their children Rohan and Sana, Shahid’s brother Ishaan (Neelima Azim and Rajesh Kattar’s son), his close friend from Bangalore Shriram, designer Sabina Khan, Ken Ghosh, Shahid’s trainer Abbas and a few other from the film industry.
We wish Shahid an enjoyable birthday in advance!
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