In the past, Amitabh Bachchan and Shahrukh Khan starred in many films together. Their combination in Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham was liked by the audience the most but after that they did not sign any new project together due to personal and professional reasons. But soon we can see the two powerful superstars sharing screen space once again. Choreographer turned filmmaker Farah Khan is bringing the two stars again in her upcoming flick ‘Happy New Year’, the project which was on hold for long.
Farah is reworking on the script which she actually zeroed much before 'Om Shanti Om' but due to Big B’s ill health and Shahrukh’s prior appointment, the film stopped at the pre-production stage. Now she is thinking to re-open the scrpit and for that she is in talk with Big B and Shahrukh to get their suitable dates. News is that Amitabh has already given dates for the film and Shahrukh is expected to give his dates soon.
Surely, their teaming up will put all the speculations of Shahrukh-Amitabh’s on-going tussle on rest. Amitabh even visited Shahrukh at Mannat after he had undergone shoulder surgery.
Big B teams up with SRK
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
| Tags:
Amitabh Bachchan,
Shah Rukh Khan
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