When Ranveer Singh and Anushka Sharma dated, they never declared that they are couple but now that they drifted apart, Ranveer’s speaks out his emotions for Anushka. The actor confessed that he misses Anushka a lot as he was very close to her.
Ranveer Singh is reluctant to use the term ‘love’ but his strong feeling for the actress gives a clear indication what the two shares something very special. The two actors drifted for over a month now but Ranveer’s feelings for Anushka have not yet died down. He still feels her absence in his life.
Ranveer is now rumored to be dating Sonakshi Sinha. When asked between Sonakshi and Anushka whom he considers to be a better friend, he replied it was undoubtedly Anushka Sharma as the two connected very well as newcomers and he could speak to her about anything in the world.
Ranveer’s emotions still attached to Anushka. Is the ‘Band Baaja Baraat’ actress also feels the same for her ex-flame?
News : Ranveer feels Anushka's absence in his life
Saturday, September 03, 2011
| Tags:
Anushka Sharma,
Ranvir Singh
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