Akshay Kumar shocked and surprised the audience present at the Star Screen Awards by not accepting the Best Popular Actor award. He believed Aamir Khan deserved this award for Ghajini and not him for Singh is Kinng.
Once source reports, “His logic was that even in times of recession such as these, Aamir’s Ghajini was able to garner more than 2 crores in two weeks time. So, instead of accepting the award, in his acceptance speech, he is believed to have announced Aamir’s name. He then walked off the podium without taking the award. How magnanimous is that!”
Hmmm… How do we take that? Was it because Akshay genuinely felt Aamir deserved the award so he refused to accept it… well… in that case… he could’ve plainly accepted the award on Aamir’s behalf and said it was for him.
Rather… wierd!
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